
Feel flawless today, Pay later with

customized facial
Glow That Matter!

What is it?

Customised facials are facials that are altered to every individual’s skin needs. These facials help to clean and exfoliate your skin, giving you a fresher and neater look. Facials help to clear out excess production of sebum, avoiding any skin issues.

What to Expect?

All our facials are inclusive of exfoliation, extraction, masks, and hydrations. Our facials usually last for an hour and are done after a detailed consultation on your skin type. We offer both natural and chemical-based facials depending on the aesthetic goals of the individual.

A facial for You!

At Infinity Health & Beauty, we offer a wide range of customized facials that cater to the skin goals of every person that walks in. These facials promise to cleanse your skin by opening your pores, removal of dead skin or dirt materials, and providing extensive hydration. Facials also help you relax and soothe your skin and body.

Our licensed estheticians ensure to provide a relaxing and detailed service, meeting all your skin goals. From acne-prone skin to sensitive skin, oily skin to dry skin, we carefully personalize your facial and get your skin glowing. We use renowned and medical-grade products to assure that your skin gets the best treatment.

Working Hours

Monday: 9 AM – 8 PM

Tuesday: 9 AM – 8 PM

Saturday: 9 AM – 6 PM

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